Manya Koetse
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Archives Portfolio
China’s Reactie op de Protesten in Hong Kong (Zomer met Art)
10 Years of Weibo (CGTN America)
De Chinese Filmindustrie Krimpt (NOS)
A Beautiful Essay Critiquing the “Fake Lives” of Beijingers Is Blocked after Lighting up Chinese Social Media (Quartz)
Hong Kong Protests: Brand ‘Witch Hunt’ Takes over Chinese Internet (BBC)
Staged Street Modeling All the Rage on Chinese Social Media (CGTN America)
Beyond Black Mirror – China’s Social Credit System (re:publica 2019)
Rode App in Nieuw Digitaal Jasje (OVT)
Podcast De Dag: Hoe Verschilt Internet In China Van Dat Van Ons?
De Opkomst van China (WNL op Zondag)
Young Chinese Facing Holiday Stress (CGTN)
Meer Baby’s voor China en Japan (NOS)
De Japans-Chinese ‘Cartoonoorlog’ (VPRO)
Mythbusting China’s Social Credit System (Sinica Podcast)
“Dankbar, im sicheren China zu leben” (NZZ)
Extreme Eating Trends and the Rise of Eating Disorders in China (BBC Documentary)
Over de Moderne Vrouw in China Vandaag (VPRO Radio 1)
Why Chinese Filmgoers Won’t Be Seeing Christopher Robin (BBC)
Nieuwe Winnie de Poeh-film Verboden in China (NOS)
Discussing Social Credit and Latest Trends on the China Experience Show (
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